Pada awalnya Anugrah Mandiri Tehnik berasal dari sebuah toko di daerah Kramat Raya, Jakarta Pusat yang berdiri sekitar tahun 2005 yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat safety, teknik dan elektronik. Karena seiring dengan waktu dan perkembangan yang begitu pesat maka kami mencoba untuk memasarkan secara online berbagai Produk dan Merk di bidang safety, teknik, electronic, survey dan laboratory. Tujuannya agar market kami dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Toko online kami berkomitmen mengedepankan pelayanan yang maksimal dengan melakukan efisiensi waktu, dan biaya, sehingga para konsumen tidak perlu lagi ‘memusingkan diri’ dalam pemesanan barang. Anda pesan, harga deal, kami antar barang anda. Anugrah Mandiri Tehnik terus berupaya melakukan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan diri sebagai wujud partisipasi aktif untuk memajukan industri di berbagai bidang di Indonesia dengan “Kualitas dan Harga terbaik” Silahkan lihat berbagai keperluan yang menunjang pekerjaan Anda di Kami selalu berusaha mencantumkan produk selengkap mungkin dengan harga yang terbaru dan terbaik. Namun karena beberapa sebab tidak semua produk dapat ditampilkan semua dan kadangkala hargapun tidak sesuai dengan harga saat ini, karenanya Anda tidak perlu sungkan untuk menghubungi kami via telephon, SMS ataupun Email, staf kami akan dengan senang hati melayani Anda. Alamat : DKI Jakarta, Website : Email : , Telp : (021) 99 624 814

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012


Made : Taiwan
Harga : Rp 6,000,000

Rino 650 combines a 5 W FRS/GMRS radio with a 2.6" glove-friendly color touchscreen GPS packed full of powerful features like a barometric altimeter, 3-axis electronic compass and NOAA weather radio.

Pinpoint Your Position

With its high-sensitivity GPS receiver and quad helix antenna, Rino 650 quickly finds your position and maintains it – even in heavy cover. Plus, a built-in barometric altimeter and 3-axis compass make it easy to get your bearings without the need to hold it level.

See Your Surroundings

The device comes with a worldwide basemap with shaded relief, so you can navigate anywhere with ease. Adding more maps is easy with Garmin's wide array of detailed topographic, marine and road maps. With its microSD™ card slot, Rino 650 lets you load TOPO U.S. 24K maps and hit the trail or plug in BlueChart® g2 preloaded cards for a great day on the water. The device also supports BirdsEye Satellite Imagery (subscription required), that lets you download satellite images to your device and integrate them with your maps. In addition, Rino 650 is compatible with Custom Maps, free software that transforms paper and electronic maps into downloadable maps for your device.

Find Your Friends

Rino 650’s unique Position Reporting capability lets you send your exact location to other Rino users so they can see it on their map page. Plus, improved audio performance means it’s easy to communicate with any other conventional FRS/GMRS radio in the area. It can be useful in an emergency, or just a handy way to keep tabs on your hunting party, hiking partner, family or friends.

Stay in Touch

With plenty of transmit power, Rino 650 also lets you send unit-to-unit text messages to other Rino users in your area – it's ideal for loud or windy conditions, or just when you don't want to disturb the wildlife. It also lets you share your waypoints, tracks, routes and geocaches wirelessly with other compatible Garmin handheld devices.

View Weather Watches and Warnings

For added safety, Rino 650 features a built-in NOAA weather radio that can help you avoid hazardous weather. The radio supports Specific Area Message Encoding, which allows you to see National Weather Service warnings and watches displayed county-by-county on the map screen.

Plan Your Next Trip

Take charge of your next adventure with BaseCamp™, software to view and organize your maps, waypoints, routes, and tracks and send them to your Garmin device. This free trip-planning software displays topgraphic map data in 2-D or 3-D on your computer screen, including contour lines and elevation profiles. It also can transfer an unlimited amount of satellite images when paired with a BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription as well as geotag photos, or associate them with specific waypoints.

Untuk informasi Merk, Tipe, Spesifikasi dan harga nego segera hubungi kami : ANUGRAH MANDIRI TEHNIK
Contact Person : Dedy Satria
Mobile : 087771219055
Tlp : ( 021) 99624814
Email :


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