Pada awalnya Anugrah Mandiri Tehnik berasal dari sebuah toko di daerah Kramat Raya, Jakarta Pusat yang berdiri sekitar tahun 2005 yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat safety, teknik dan elektronik. Karena seiring dengan waktu dan perkembangan yang begitu pesat maka kami mencoba untuk memasarkan secara online berbagai Produk dan Merk di bidang safety, teknik, electronic, survey dan laboratory. Tujuannya agar market kami dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Toko online kami berkomitmen mengedepankan pelayanan yang maksimal dengan melakukan efisiensi waktu, dan biaya, sehingga para konsumen tidak perlu lagi ‘memusingkan diri’ dalam pemesanan barang. Anda pesan, harga deal, kami antar barang anda. Anugrah Mandiri Tehnik terus berupaya melakukan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan diri sebagai wujud partisipasi aktif untuk memajukan industri di berbagai bidang di Indonesia dengan “Kualitas dan Harga terbaik” Silahkan lihat berbagai keperluan yang menunjang pekerjaan Anda di Kami selalu berusaha mencantumkan produk selengkap mungkin dengan harga yang terbaru dan terbaik. Namun karena beberapa sebab tidak semua produk dapat ditampilkan semua dan kadangkala hargapun tidak sesuai dengan harga saat ini, karenanya Anda tidak perlu sungkan untuk menghubungi kami via telephon, SMS ataupun Email, staf kami akan dengan senang hati melayani Anda. Alamat : DKI Jakarta, Website : Email : , Telp : (021) 99 624 814

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

JUAL RADAR FURUNO 1935 , Code : FR1935

Product Discription :

The new 1935 Radar is a high contrast 10.4" color LCD radar designed for a wide range of vessels including pleasure craft, fishing boats and work boats. This new radar offers crystal clear target presentation with automatic Gain/Sea/Rain controls to deliver noise-free radar presentation. It features superb detection of even small targets both at short and long range. It also boasts all-new display modes which will assist you with navigating safely on all waters. The 1345 allows you to see far away objects before they are visible, and allows you to see in the dark, fog or during periods of obstructed visibility in any weather condition. With its advanced signal processing technology, the 1935 demonstrates a substantial increase in target detection, particularly for close range targets.
The 1935 can be interconnected with other navigation equipment such as chart plotters and sounders through Furunos programmable NMEA 0183 interface system, affording operators the ability to expand their boats system as needed.

AIS/ARPA Display:
With the optional ARP11 internal ARPA PCB, up to 100 AIS and 10 ARPA targets can be tracked and overlaid on the radar screen to assist the operator in monitoring other vessel movements. Since AIS works by VHF transceiver system, a variety of navigational information such as vessel name, speed, ROT, draft, and the destination of the selected targets can be included in real time. Unlike ARPA targets, AIS targets are visible on-screen even if they are obscured by large ships or islands.

Off-Center Mode:
With a push of the “OFF CENTER” button, own ship position can be shifted to a pre-registered point on the screen, allowing the operator to focus on a specific area ahead of or around the vessel without losing track of the position.

Consists Of
Model / Part #
RSB0070-064 24 RPM Gearbox with 4.0 kW Transceiver
000-140-435 15 Meter Signal Cable Assembly
XN10A/3.5 Antenna, 41 Inch Open Array
Standard Features:
  • Easy-to-install 10.4" portrait color LCD (350 cd) display
  • Bonded LCD provides clear view in all weather conditions
  • Stable AIS/ARPA target-tracking with zoom display function (Requires optional ARP11)
  • Full Screen Mode lets operators observe a wider range around the vessel
  • Enhanced auto tuning/gain/anti-clutter controls
  • Echoes in yellow, green, orange or multiple colors
Power Requirements
  • 12-24 VDC

Untuk informasi Merk, Tipe, Spesifikasi dan harga nego segera hubungi kami :
Contact Person : Dedy Satria
Mobile : 087771219055
Tlp : ( 021) 99624814
Email :

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